We’re one year on from launching iPay Pro and we’re delighted with the results the solution is achieving on behalf of our Housing Association clients.

iPay Pro is a supplementary payment processing channel to the majority of our clients allowing them to process ad-hoc payments as and when the opportunity arises.

“iPay Pro has allowed us to lower our arrears by anything from 15% to 30% some months simply by empowering the Housing Officers to take a payment when the tenant has the cash to pay.  This is a new approach but the cost of running the payment devices Vs the cash that we can collect makes the solution a no-brainer”.

“It really is a simple technology and when it’s coupled to our Client Connect iOS App the Housing Officers can see the current rent arrears balances and prompt the tenant for additional payments.”commented John Sant, CEO of Footprint Solutions.

“Our goal for 2016 is to provide our clients across all sectors with software solutions that allow people to change behaviour, improve customer relationships and increase service levels” John went on to say.